The majestic Wonder of the Seas, the largest of all ships, every experience is magnified and boldly carried out. This voyage is an unforgettable adventure that sails from island to island, offering epic thrills for all tastes and ages. The little ones can enjoy unparalleled moments of leisure, while adrenaline lovers will find their place on the thrilling Ultimate Abyss. In addition, everyone will be able to enjoy a wide gastronomic selection, from reinvented Southern classics to authentic Italian dishes. Get ready for an unforgettable cruise experience.
圣胡安是波多黎各的首都和最大城市,于1521年正式成立,使其成为美洲所有最古老的城市之一。作为美国的领土,圣胡安是加勒比地区一个非常独特的地方;首都提供所有美国城市的所有舒适和设施,但仍然保留了独特的拉丁气氛和文化。圣胡安老城区历史悠久,是波多黎各最古老的定居点之一,拥有丰富多彩的街道,具有历史和文化意义。当您漫步在旧圣胡安的街道上时,您会不由自主地惊叹于保存完好的五个世纪的历史。 El Morro是波多黎各最着名的古迹之一,是一座16世纪的堡垒,拥有令人印象深刻的塔楼和隧道。很少有墓地像圣胡安公墓一样风景如画。 El Yunque雨林郁郁葱葱,是一个天然的天堂。波多黎各是美丽海滩的代名词。你会发现很多圣胡安的海岸,柔软的沙滩和棕榈树在这里等着你。圣胡安是海滩,历史,文化和夜生活的完美结合。你还在等什么?